I will tell you what to do to look good in your photos.
You don’t need bear bells because I talk loud enough to let any bear within a mile vicinity know we’re there.
I know where to go to get good photos even when the weather is bad. And yes, I do have secret spots ;)
I know where to be in Glacier at what time for the best light! Sure, you may know where you want to get your photos taken, but do you know when? Or what month? So many details!
I can carry on a conversation with just about anyone, even with myself!! And you don’t have to laugh at my jokes because I do!
I’m a photoshop wizard so if you love your dress but hate the way your arm bulges in that one spot, tada…photoshop!
I’m experienced photographing men who hate having their photos taken (all of them) and they have even said “that wasn’t so bad” I mean what more do you need to hear!?
I have the best tips and insider knowledge on the park. People love my recommendations as much as my photos! Ok, maybe not quite as much. Have you seen my photos?
My radar for fake smiles is highly sensitive and I will not abide them.
My speciality is EPIC mountain photos with people. I continually try to find new shots more epic than the last. It keeps it fun for me! And more epic for you :) That’s why you’re coming to Glacier right!?