Jinn & Gabe – June 30, 2012

  1. Debbie Fanslow says:

    Just got the video going, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Debbie Fanslow says:

    So far I have only been able to see the intro picture of Jinn and Gabe, but it was beautiful and I know the rest are just as beautiful. I have a parameter problem–whatever that is, but I will have Jared take a look at it soon, I want to see the rest of the pics. You make a great couple, I hope you both always remember how much in-love you are right now and work at staying that way! Love Aunt Deb

  3. Jen Newton says:

    Gabe and Jinn,

    Congratulations!! I enjoyed seeing your fabulous photos from your big day. Amazing pics!! Each one was magazine worthy. Enjoy your new life together in Montana!


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the mountains are calling and epstein didnt kill himself